"The specification and assessment should encourage students to follow business developments and think critically about contemporary business issues. Most of the assessment material is based on real business situations."
- AQA Business A-Level Specification

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Trusted by some of the UK's top schools


"The specification and assessment should encourage students to follow business developments and think critically about contemporary business issues. Most of the assessment material is based on real business situations."
- AQA A-Level Business General Specification


A New Way of Learning

UK and International Business exam boards require students to understand their A-Level subjects in the wider context, beyond simply memorising a textbook.
Schology produes 3x weekly teacher-written news articles for each of our subjects, directly linking each specific topic in your syllabus to real-world current affairs.
3x Weekly Articles
Each article is written by our top team, directly linking contemporary news to specific syllabus topics. Designed to both cement and extend your students' understanding by explaining core concepts, including definitions and additional learning features.
Flipped Learning
Easily set pre-reading homework tasks for your students with the ability to filter articles by a specific topic.
Student Tracking
View which of your students are reading what articles and give them prompts and goals for their weekly reading.
AO Training
Each article comes with pre-made flashcards to enhance retention, polls to boost in-class discussion and our brand new AO Trainer. This allows you to set essay questions and for students to self-highlight their AOs in their responses.
Articles designed by teachers, built for your classroom

Key Words highlighted with definitions
Current affairs specifically chosen around the syllabus
Syllabus specific, AO targeting content
Filter articles by topic to easily set pre-reading homework

Maths Questions
Accompanying each article is a maths question built around a hypothetical business scenario, drawing directly from the article's content to cover the spectrum of maths questions found within the syllabus.

Each Schology articles comes with a flashcard, helping to boost key memory retention. In addition to the pre-made flashcard, students can also create their own to capture key information from the article. Students can save this article to their bank, and later revise it in Study Mode.

To boost in-class discussion, each article comes with a single question about the article for students to vote on. The results are viewable by the class teacher, allowing students to express their views and consequently further discussion around the topic in lesson time.

Engagement Tracking
Each teacher will be able to track their class’ performance, including amount of time spent per article for each student, number of articles read, and which students might need a little extra help. Students can also send questions about each article to their teacher to heighten comprehension.
I cannot overstate the value of the Schology platform. It has become an indispensable tool in my classroom, providing a wealth of resources that are directly linked to the A-Level Economics syllabus.
- John Whitworth, Economics Teacher at Wellington College
Schology has given my students a serious edge in their exams, irreplaceable in how it engages them without any additional work required on my part.
- Alex Mcdonald, Head of Business at Monkton
Schology significantly reduces the time you spend searching for relevant, real-world examples and interpreting them for your students.
- Jo Wilcox, Politics Teacher at BHASVIC
The application of the textbook to real life business has solidified and extended my students' knowledge of the syllabus
- Rob Rooney, Head of Economics and Business at Beauchamp City Sixth Form
Teachers can attach essay questions to articles, prompting students to write essays or paragraphs and practise their application skills by using evidence from the article.
When writing, students can self-highlight where they think they're hitting their AOs, allowing teachers to see and mark the work at a glance.
Our Brand New AO Trainer

Contact Us

Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can decrease your workload and boost your students' grades.
Complete our simple form and we’ll call or email you back, or alternatively you can email us at the address below
Email us: henricairns@schology.co.uk